Upozornenie na hrubé porušovanie medzinárodných dohovorov

11. augusta 2016, salamandra, Nezaradené

Adresát: JUDr. Robert Fico, predseda vlády SR

Vážený pán predseda vlády Slovenskej republiky,

obraciam sa Vás vo veci hrubého porušovania medzinárodných dohovorov na
úseku ochrany prírody ako nenávratného dedičstva. V konkrétnom prípade ide
o Ramsarský dohovor a o Bernský dohovor. Aby ste boli v obraze v prílohe
Vám zasielam môj list adresovaný Štátnej ochrane prírody SR a tiež list
ktorým som sa obrátil na depozitára Bernského dohovoru. Napriek tomu sa
poškodzovanie biotopov v dnešných dňoch zväčšuje o ničenie lesa ťažbou,
ktorý je súčasťou biotopu. Pretože úrady SR nekonajú, alebo konajú liknavo
budem nútený znovu upozorniť depozitára Bernského dohovoru a urobiť podanie
depozitárovi Ramsarského dohovoru.

S pozdravom

V Bartošovej Lehôtke 03.08.2016
List depozitárovi Bernského dohovoru

To:   Mr. Thorbjörn Jagland
General Secretary Council of Europe

I am appealing to you as a deposit office of Berne Convention Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, with a complaint against the Slovak republic, as the state institutions of Slovak republic were not willing to endow my complaint.

In the Slovak republic, in the Kremnica mountains area, is present an extraordinary and unique forest wetland biotope of an European significance, in which are living protected animals, as Salamandra Salamandra in amount of hundreds of pieces (probably more than 500 pieces) and also other protected species like Zamenis longissimus, Coronella austriaca, Anguis fragilis, Rana temporaria and Bufo bufo.
From the plants is foremost Drosera rotundifolia, which is present in the wetland in amount 50 plants per one square meter.
The Slovak republic allowed mining of bentonite ore directly in the wetlands with Drosera rotundifolia, while the opening of the mining operations directly devastated the plants and wetlands, from which to date remained only around ten percent from previously 1 500 square meters. Subsequently the sludge from the mining operations are discharged into the water course, which is a reproductive biotope of animal Salamandra Salamandra. At the same time they damage the biotope of the mature animals, their bower and their food source.
Salamandra Salamandra and Drosera rotundifolia are firmly linked to their biotopes, so there is a threat of their full and irreversible destruction.
In the attachments I am sending you my basic submissions to the state, which I have delivered dozens till the present time and also links to disclosed published informations. Upon the request I can send you another records
Based on the above informations I ask you for a diplomatic intervention against this actions of the Slovak republic, represented by the Government of the Slovak republic, so they will have to stop the devastation of the habitat and see through the recovery of it, while its still possible.

In Bartošová Lehôtka on 13th January 2016